<aside> ⚡ This template is provided by Content Harmony, a content workflow platform that helps you build awesome content briefs & optimize your content.



✍️ Content Overview

Title Tag Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - Site Name
H1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
URL https://www.domain.com/article/__________
Meta Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Word Count eg 1,500-2,000
Target Audience eg CEOs
Content Harmony URL https://app.contentharmony.com/l/________________________/brief

🧐 Outline / What is this content about?

[We recommend you build your suggested content outline here]

🚦What keywords and topics are recommended or required?

[We recommend covering any core keyword focuses that the writer should keep in mind (no more than 2-10 terms), and potentially any secondary keywords that you want this piece to rank for that may be used as well.]

🙋‍♂️What key questions do readers have that need to be answered?

[If you don’t cover questions within your recommended outline or an FAQ section, include them here to help your writer understand questions that readers will have on this topic.]

💻 Suggested content formats or other required elements: